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Cookie Usage of www.palazzoadele.it

In accordance with the decision of the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data of 8 May 2014, entitled “Identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies, Terra d’Ercole s.r.l. with registered office in Via Trentola 222 -80056 Ercolano (Na), Italy, VAT 10006441215, hereby informs you of the following:

pala only makes use of cookies technical ‘session’, persistent and Third Party. It does not use cookies profiling.
Here are more details about the cookies.


Cookies are small text files that are sent to the electronic device ‘client’ (PC, tablet, etc ..) while browsing a website. The cookies are then sent back to the source website during each subsequent navigation, or are sent to a different website that is able to recognize that specific cookie. Cookies act as a memory for a website, allowing the website to recognize your device to your every subsequent visit to the same site to improve the user-experience.

Cookies are not harmful to your device. In the cookies generated they are not stored personally identifiable information such as credit card details.


Technical cookie

Are those used for the sole purpose of “carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or as strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide the service” ( art. 122, paragraph I, Privacy Code). Can be divided into cookies or browsing session, which guarantee the normal navigation and use of the website (allowing, for example, to make a purchase or authenticate for access to restricted areas).
The technical session cookies are durable for the single browsing session and are therefore automatically deleted at the end of the browsing session.
The information contained in cookies, as mentioned, have simply technical purposes, they are not stored or accessed from the owner’s personal website.
Our website uses cookies technical ‘session’.

Analytical cookies

Are treated to cookies and technicians are those used directly by the site operator to collect information, in the aggregate, on the accesses and the number of users and how they use the site. Pursue exclusively statistical purposes.
Our website uses cookies analytical.

Cookie profiling

They are those aimed at creating profiles user and are used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences shown by the same part of surfing the net.
Our website does not use cookies profiling.

Persistent cookies

Cookies are lasting longer, then over the closing session of the browser, often used to allow the website to remember choices to a user.
Our website uses persistent cookies.

Third Party Cookies

Cookies are set by a domain other than the one visited by the user. There is talk of a cookie Third Party if a user visits a Web site and a third company sets a cookie through that site.
Our website uses cookies Third Party, including:

  • Google Analytics, a service of statistics and web analytics, offered by Google Inc.
    It aims to identify what are the pages most viewed by visitors of the site, how long they stayed within the same geographic area from which they come.
    Such information is processed only for statistical purposes and strictly anonymous.
    The information collected by Google Analytics, including the IP address of the visitor, is transmitted to the server of Google Inc., anonymously.
    These cookies can not be used for profiling or to identify users, but are used solely for statistical purposes in the aggregate.
    You can selectively disable the action of installing Google Analytics on your browser component of the opt-out provided by Google.
    To disable the action of Google Analytics, please refer to the link below:
    The cookie policy Google Analytics can be found at:
  • Google Maps, a mapping service offered by Google Inc. and embedded videos from YouTube-Google
    The wide information Google is available online at: http://www.google.com/policies/privacy/
  • Social Plugins for Facebook and others., Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and others.
    It is part of the page visited directly generated by these sites and integrate them in the host site. The most common use of social plugin is aimed at sharing content on social networks.
    The presence of these plugins involves the transmission of cookies to and from all sites managed by Third Parties. The management of the information gathered by “Third Parties” is governed by the relevant information which please refer. To ensure greater transparency and convenience, are shown below the web addresses of different information and procedures for the management of cookies of some Social Plugin.Facebook information: https://www.facebook.com/help/cookies/
    Facebook (configuration): access your account. Section privacy.Twitter information: https://support.twitter.com/articles/20170514
    Twitter (configuration): https://twitter.com/settings/securityLinkedin information: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/cookie-policy
    Linkedin (configuration): https://www.linkedin.com/settings/Google+ information: http://www.google.it/intl/it/policies/technologies/cookies/
    Google+ (configuration): http://www.google.it/intl/it/policies/technologies/managing/
  • Stripe sets this cookie cookie to process payments.


palazzoadele.it reserves the right to use cookies, with the consent when the law or the regulations so establish, to facilitate navigation on this site.

This web site makes use of cookies technical ‘session’, persistent and Third Party.
This website does not use cookies profiling.

You hereby consent to the use of cookies by continuing navigation on the website, is making an active intervention by the selection of an element in the page above the banner (for example clicking on an image or a link ) either by a click on “OK” or “ACEPT” in the banner itself.

How to check and disable cookies

Most web browsers accept cookies, but you can change the settings of the web browser to refuse cookies, disable existing ones or simply to be informed when a new cookie is sent to your device.

To make sure your browser discards cookies, refer to the instructions provided by your browser (usually within the menu “Help”, “Tools” or “Change”).

Below are links to instructions specific configuration of popular browsers:

Browser add-on for Google Analytics Opt:

Be aware that by refusing or disabling session cookies will not be able to use the services offered by this site.

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